I am breaking this blog into five posts, so before I get into talking about the beautiful models and photos I want to say a special thank you to Tracy Dee and Nikki Evans for assisting me on being group leaders. I can't thank you enough for all your help and being there when I needed you the most! To Kim, Stephanie, Marvin, Liz, Debbie, Stephanie, Tracy, and Nikki, Group 2 Rocked!!!
Now onto the models!!!! Meet the beautiful Natalie and the handsome Cole! These two brought on some amazing emotion. OOOh how I loved the way they connected and it couldn't of been more magical in that stable! It reminded me of a scene from the movie A WALK IN THE CLOUDS!!

Venue: www.thecondorsnestranch.com
Hair pieces: Lauren Christensen www.loboheme.com
Florist: Karla Amador www.amadorevents.com
Hair: Jessica Hale
Makeup: Clarissa Garcia
Gowns:40′s gown and 50′s gown are by: www.dollycouture.com